5 Steps to Clean Hands (FREE Printable Handwashing Chart!)

According to the USDA 97% of people don’t wash their hands correctly. This includes your littles! Many children don’t know the proper handwashing technique needed to kill germs and prevent sickness. The winter season has the highest rate of germ transmission in schools, daycares, and public facilities. The CDC found that 30% of stomach sickness and 20% of respiratory illness could be prevented with proper hand washing. So, help protect the ones you love by teaching your children how to wash their hands properly.

There are many ways to make handwashing fun for kids, but singing Happy Birthday 2x or one verse of Old McDonald is our favorite way to teach children how long to rub that soap around. Elevate Health loves our families and wants to help fight those winter germs, so we made a FREE Downloadable Hand Washing Chart that you can put by your sink at home to remind your little ones of the 5 steps of proper handwashing!

Click the image below to open it in a new window and print!


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Unlocking Potential: Not Too Young for AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication)